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Online Field Mapping Control Facility

Platform: z/VSE and VSEⁿ

BIM-FMAP is a menu-driven system for easy, step-bystep map building and inquiry. It runs as a transaction under CICS on both VSE and z/OS systems.

BIM-FMAP allows a developer to “paint” a desired screen image directly on the terminal using the entire screen area. The developer can immediately view what the map format will look like on the terminal, spacing and balancing the data fields more effectively.

BIM-FMAP provides the ability to load pre-existing basic mapping support (BMS) mapset source code into the FMAPFLE file. This makes the maps available for modification and testing using online FMAP functions.

BIM-FMAP increases programmer productivity by eliminating most of the development time required to put new maps into production. It also allows the company much better administrative control, organization, standardization, and documentation of the entire mapping function.


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