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A service pack contains new fixes and all fixes of prior 8.5.3 service packs
Fixes included in this service pack:
1. PN24275: Replace internal VSAM dataset properties collector with IBM method.
2. PN24294: Do not issue DMIN203E message if STATUS parameter is specified on WRITE statement.
3. PN24295: Correct issue with system variable RECORD-COUNT.
A service pack contains new fixes and all fixes of prior 8.5.2 service packs
Fixes included in this service pack:
1. PN24173: Resolve reports printing titles twice. This issue was introduced with SP DM852-15.
2. PN24115: Reports with large number of elements can cause 0C4 ABEND in CSIDMBIP module.
3. PN24161: Subsequent executions of SELECT statement can cause SQLCODE 100 error.
4. PN24167: More robust validation for zoned decimals when using IF NUMERIC.
5. Macro processing updates:
* PN24120: Resolve macro end-of-buffer detection and expansion issues.
* PN24117, 24118: Resolve potential 0C4 ABENDs in CSIDMBTR and/or unknown module.
* PN24151: Fix macro blank-line positioning issue.
6. PN24147: Control fields in report titles show the wrong value.
7. PN24159: FILE TABLE parameter causes 0C4 ABEND when executing a linked module.
8. PN24196: %EP macro prefix is now controlled by performance option 21.
9. PN24200: Resolve validation errors in BEFORE-BREAK and AFTER-BREAK report procedures.
10. PN24208: Resolve issue reading FBM dataset (4 bytes are missing).
11. PN24201: Summary report CONTROL NOPRINT now prints column headers with titles.
12. PN24199: Resolve REPORT SUMFILE loop and/or S001 ABEND; may also get IEC020I GET ISSUED AFTER END-OF-FILE.
13. PN24220: New system variable CSIDMPTF-ZAPTABLE holds the current patch (zap) level applied.
14. PN24220: DMDSPVER and DMDSPALL reports now display the maintenance (patch/zap) level applied.
Fixes included in this service pack:
Note: This service pack does not require a (re)BIND of the DataMiner-Dash DB2 plans.
1. If global option VFMDEV is not set, it defaults to the correct value now for z/OS (64BIT).
2 Reports with a very large number of elements can cause 0C4 ABEND IN CSIDMBIP.
3. The EZT SORT BEFORE procedure SELECT statement gets the DMIN010E error message.
4. Very large IF/DO statements can cause 0C4 ABEND IN UNKNOWN MODULE.
5. Support is added for 2-dimensional arrays and arrays in reports.
6. An EZT PROC on the first line in a macro gets the DMIN037E error message.
7. VFM's maximum-file limitation is raised from 10 to 70.
8. Resolve report titles and headings printing twice when CONTROL FINAL is specified.
Fixes included in this service pack:
Note: This service pack does not require a (re)BIND of the DataMiner-Dash DB2 plans.
Fixes included in this service pack:
1. Center numeric fields under longer heading(s) to match EZT layout.
2. SELECT INTO:host variables update.
3. Only issue DMIN701E message on negative (error) SQLCODEs.
4. Handle CASE END when processing SQL SELECT, resolving SQLCODE -104.
5. Support SQL SELECT INTO :occursfield, resolving DMIN087E.
6. Resolve SB37 ABEND when a program has both a SORT and a Synchronized File Processing JOB.
7. Support SORTing a file into itself. Previously, specifying the same file for FROM and TO caused an SB37 error.
8. Resolve various syntax error messages like DMIN012E or DMIN068E on statements following the SQL FETCH/SELECT INTO statement. These errors generally were caused by a misplaced colon or parenthesis.
9. Re-initialize internal (auto-defined) SQLVARnnn fields before each FETCH. Subsequent SQL OPENs for a cursor no longer re-allocates auto-defined fields.
10. Resolve a storage overlay that can cause various syntax error messages, including DMIN003E and DMIN005E.
11. Resolve an SB37 error with DISPLAY fieldname when the fieldname begins with the filename.
12. Resolve two issues with DECLARE and FETCH in multiple JOB activities:
13. Resolve a loop in the script parser for SQL FETCH when the INTO parameter is not specified.
Fixes included in this service pack:
Fixes included in this service pack:
1. Handle SQL SELECT || without leading/trailing spaces. Previously, this would cause a loop.
2. SORT now detects the end parenthesis before consuming the next operands. Previously, this would cause error DMIN006E: Field start position is invalid.
3. JOB statement now detects the end of the KEY ( list ). Previously, it would cause error DMIN090E: Invalid number or length of keys.
4. STOP statement inside JOB START PROC now ends the activity. Previously, STOP would end the procedure but not the activity.
5. Change to variable-length fields (VARYING): Enforce minimum field length of 3.
6. Performance option 12 update: Corrected problem with AND/OR compound IF statements.
7. The date is now displayed on TITLE 1 when REPORT NOPAGE is specified.
8. The report heading with all dashes was missing one dash; this is now corrected.
9. Updates to SQLCODE variable:
10. Resolve SQL FETCH 0C1 ABEND following PREPARE error.
11. Statement following an inline SQL SELECT INTO prints twice in the script listing.
12. SORT BEFORE procedure name starting with "SORT" gets DMIN010E error message.
Fixes included in this service pack:
Note: This service pack does not require a bind if SP DM852-10 has already been applied.
Fixes included in this service pack:
Fixes included in this service pack:
1. Correct interaction of SPACE configuration/setting with SPREAD reports.
2. Handle IF condition between character and zoned decimal fields when performance 12 is disabled.
3. Correct SQL issue where a long cursor name causes error message DMIN068E.
4. Correct SQL command-buffer truncation causing SQLCODE -104.
5. Correct SQL issue where a field definition immediately following a SQL statement causes SQLCODE -104.
Fixes included in this service pack:
1. Correct issues caused by SP DM852-07.
2. Adjust ALPHABETIC condition check to work correctly when a space (x'40') is in the field.
3. Adjust DISPLAY of zoned decimal fields to allow leading spaces in the field.
Fixes included in this service pack:
1. SQL updates. Continuing program support enhancements.
2. Support "++INCLUDE" as a synonym for INCLUDE.
3. New configuration options to handle leading zero in SYSDATE and SYSTIME variables:
4. Handle parentheses with SORT statement parameter BEFORE(proc). The proc name can now be enclosed with parentheses.
5. Fields in TITLE statement are off 1 column to the left. This applies only to fields using COL n positioning.
6. Correction to title update: specifically resolve the S0C4 Report CB expansion issue.
7. Performance option 12 now supports the IF/DO NOT operand.
Fixes included in this service pack:
1. SQL updates. This is a continuation of an earlier update.
2. Resolve message DMIN005E regarding commas.
3. Resolve message DMIN005E when first field definition begins with "SQL".
4. Fix copybook continuation symbols (+ and -) not working.
Fixes included in this service pack:
1. Fix for S0C4 ABEND. This corrects a problem introduced in DM852-04.
2. New schema configuration for SQL unqualified tablenames.
3. Macro parameter tolerance for parentheses.
4. Update the DMDSPOPT report to display all DB2 configuration fields including the new default schema.
Fixes included in this service pack:
1. SQL native statement support for UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE. This also corrects an issue discovered with FETCH.
2. Removed the 8-character limitation on the length of the cursor name.
3. Correct trailer message regarding rows selected. It now correctly reports the number of rows fetched.
4. Support for a special SELECT statement when in a nested (2nd level) SORT BEGIN procedure.
5. Handle "||" within a SQL statement.
6. Correct issue with Report title literals containing all minus signs, where one gets stripped off.
7. Correct issue where unsigned numeric fields with a user MASK added a reserved column (for sign) when used with DISPLAY statements.
8. Increased TALLYSIZE maximum to 19 (was 13).
9. Support for the IF/DO conditions ALPHABETIC and ALPHANUMERIC.
10. REPORTs now support up to 99 titles. Also, the length of titles is no longer limited to 132. The title length is controlled by the LINESIZE.
11. The REPORT SPACE parameter now accepts "SPACES" as an alias.
12. Support for 4 field headings. This affects both field definitions and the REPORT HEADING statement.
13. Added missing NOT support for IF/DO statements (when using vectors enabled by PERF option 12).
14. "%%" no longer causes macro invocation.
Fixes included in this service pack:
1. Update to SQL statement support.
2. Macro support update.
3. FILE FB(lrecl FULLTRK) is now supported.
4. Support for field definition parameter VARYING.
5. Bypass issuing DMIN325W when compiling or linking program. Only issue message during execution.
6. Bypass issuing DMIN106E when compiling or linking program. Only issue message during execution.
Fixes included in this service pack:
1. Initial support for Easytrieve-controlled access SQL statements.
2. OPTION PERF no longer consumes next statement.
3. OPTION PERF 20 disables the maximum-length (1 MB) check for work fields.
4. Handle work fields with INDEX and no OCCURS.
Fixes included in this service pack:
LIST statement directly following an OPTION statement causes error message DMIN067E Invalid parameter.
A service pack contains new fixes and all fixes of 8.5.1 and prior service packs.
Fixes included in this service pack:
Fixes included in this service pack:
Fixes included in this service pack:
Fixes included in this service pack:
1. Support for RRDS and ESDS direct access:
2. Correction for numeric literals ending with a period:
3. Corrections for REPORT SUMFILE processing:
4. Bypass DMIN319W when doing a script compile/link.
Fixes included in this service pack:
To enable these options, you can add 18 and 19 to the PERF global option setting or use an OPTION command statement in scripts.
Fixes included in this service pack:
Fixes included in this service pack:
IF, DO, CASE, and assignment statements will now consume less CPU. The amount reduced varies based on the script and the system load. In general, all scripts will experience a CPU usage reduction of 10 to 30 percent.
Fixes included in this service pack:
Fixes included in this service pack:
When static work fields are re-defined and then a sub-field is referenced in a report procedure, the value may be incorrect. This is due to the sub-field not inheriting the static indicator from primary static field.
Fixes included in this service pack:
When FILE EXIT parameter is specified and the script also contains CALL statements to external programs, a 0C4 ABEND can occur.
Fixes included in this service pack:
When static work fields are referenced in a report procedure and specified on the report line, the work field value is incorrect. This is because the value gets extracted from the sort record rather than the static work field.
Fixes included in this service pack:
When DISPLAY statements are issued outside of report procedures, the printer control character is incorrectly set to '1' for each line.
Fixes included in this service pack:
Fixes included in this service pack:
Literals continued across more than one line were inadvertently uppercased.
Fixes included in this service pack:
The sign bit could be incorrect for both assignment and IF-type statements. Data exceptions (0c7 ABENDs) could also occur.
Fixes included in this service pack:
Reports using the SUMMARY parameter could be missing some totals lines.
Fixes included in this service pack:
Assignment statements and IF-type statements for signed binary fields of length 2 and 4 were losing the sign bit.
Fixes included in this service pack:
Under a certain scenario, the control character does not match what Easytrieve produces. This isolated case can occur when a REPORT uses the CONTROL statement, and the NOPRINT parameter is specified on the first field.
Fixes included in this service pack:
If the input files are concatenated, fields may be populated with random data.
for IBM's z/OS*
for IBM's z/VSE and VSEn