Licensed/Authorized CSI International customers can retrieve software authorization codes online. ---->>
* CGITRANS - This program (a CGI) will allow users to take any generic data entry page built for the web, and cause this CGI to be invoked. This program will read the defined, as well as the hidden, parameters to communicate with a transaction server of your choice through a TCP connection. It will wait for a response and return the dynamic web page back to the user. This is great for talking to an on-line transaction, such as CICS or CA-IDMS. A sample server is also provided to allow you to cannibalize this code for your own environment.
* CGI$DA - This program (a CGI) simulates the old ICCF "$DA" command that you used to enter from command mode. Watch SIO activity and the like, just like the old days! And if you define the public name as "$DA", it can bring back some fond memories... or maybe not. But what it does do is demonstrate how to access VSE control block information and return it to a simple web browser.
* CGISUBM1 - This program will allow users to submit VSE jobs into the reader queue from a web browser. This is a simple program and does not support any parameter passing, which would only require a slight modification if that is what you need.
* CGIIPLDT - This is a great demonstration program to show you how to access the assorted fields in a menu selection. It also shows how to dynamically build a JavaScript response as well as a normal response screen. In this case, we are showing the date and time that the VSE system was IPLed.
* CGIECHO - This .zip file contains an example of sending data to a CGI and having the parameters passed back to the client. It echoes back what it received. This is useful in testing some complicated web pages. There is also an example of CGIECHOI which demonstrates how to call a CGI as part of a server-side-include. In other words, the CGI is not building back the entire response but is only sending back part of the necessary data. DEMOSSI.HTML is an included web page that shows how to use the SSI process as well as the normal process.
* CGIPDF - Demonstrates the ability to send a binary PDF file back to the web client. The PDF sent in this demo is "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789". It's small, but then again, it is a demo. You can use this program as a skeleton to generate dynamic PDF displays.
* CGIGIF - If you have the need for a CGI to return a GIF file, this example is for you. With it, you can use the <IMG SRC=cginame?parms> to pull in the graphic of your choice (although this static example simply returns a picture of a red ball). You may also use this in a frames environment to display the graphic in one frame and static data in another.
* VSEPWR - This .zip file contains the source code for a REXX CGI that will read the contents of the POWER queue and then display them in a nice looking format. It will then allow you to click on one link to view the contents as plain text, or another link to view the contents as a PDF file!
for IBM's z/OS*
for IBM's z/VSE and VSEn